2019 Volume 8 Issue 3
Creative Commons License

Date Supplement and Iron Salts Plus Physical Activity on Efficiency of Iron Absorption

Nadir A.S., Mohie El Deen Mustafa M., Saleh A. Atris, Soha Osama Hassanin

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of date supplement and iron plus physical activity on anemic female students. This study includes 40 anemic female students, from the new valley university; they were divided into four equal groups ten in each group; 1st group ingested “date” plus exercise, 2nd group ingested date without exercise, 3rd group supplemented with iron salts with exercise, 4th group supplemented with iron salts without exercise, pre/post-test VO2max, pulse rate, Hb, iron, ferritin and O2 were determined. 5 ml venous blood was drawn from all participants for the pre/post variables. Dose of date sheet was (10 gm) twice daily, and dose of iron salts was one capsule (5mg) daily. Results: Results indicated that date supplement, and iron together with exercise affect positively the anemic female students. Conclusion: black dates and iron with or without hulls, are effective, safe and cheap supplements for improving hemoglobin and restoring iron stores to correct iron deficiency.

Issue 1 Volume 14 (2025)
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