The growing popularity of Invisalign is attributed to the fact that patients find it more aesthetically pleasing than the traditional fixed appliance to have their teeth straightened using the Invisalign system. Invisalign was initially intended for use in less severe conditions of orthodontic malalignment. Invisalign has been an effective and aesthetically acceptable alternative to conventional labial fixed appliances since its launch in 1997. CAD/CAM (Computer-aided design/computer-sided machine) stereolithography and a single silicone or digital impression can be used to make a set of custom aligners. Each aligner is set to gradually shift teeth by 0.25 mm to 0.33 mm over two weeks. More individuals are now receiving orthodontic treatment due to this novel tooth mobility approach. Over 300,000 patients have been treated with Invisalign in the previous decade, with the average patient age being 19.5. In most cases, the Invisalign device can stabilize these patients' anterior, posterior and vertical dimensions. Although many dentists and orthodontists believe that Invisalign appliances cause deep bites, this research disproves this theory. This literature review will determine the level of efficacy Invisalign can offer when it comes to the treatment of deep bites. It was concluded that Invisalign is effective in treating mild to moderate overbite cases and is an effective replacement for metallic braces, and provides a good option for esthetic-conscious patients.