2023 Volume 12 Issue 3
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Investigation of Blood Biochemical Parameters as Predictors of the Severity of Early Toxicosis in Pregnant Women

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Early toxicosis is a frequent phenomenon that accompanies the first trimester of pregnancy. Occurs, as a rule, from the second to the twelfth-fifteenth week of gestation. Usually, early toxicosis consists of hypersalivation, general weakness, nausea, and frequent vomiting, which manifest disorders of the autonomic and central nervous systems. Early toxicosis is a multifactorial disease that includes a cumulative group of gestational complications. The pathogenesis of early toxicosis has many etiological causes, among which the predominant importance is given to the effect of chorionic gonadotropin on the mother's body. In particularly severe and difficult-to-control cases, electrolyte disorders occur in women, and alkalosis develops. Today there are no generally accepted standards for diagnosing the severity of gestosis, but doctors actively use clinical and laboratory criteria, referring to the generally accepted parameters of the functional state of the cardiovascular system, liver, and urinary system. This scientific work is aimed at the study of biochemical blood parameters as predictors of the severity of early toxicosis in pregnant women.

How to cite this article
Ponomareva OA, Kasumov IM, Maisigov AR, Glushkov DS, Maisigova KR, Malsagova BM. Investigation of Blood Biochemical Parameters as Predictors of the Severity of Early Toxicosis in Pregnant Women. Int J Pharm Res Allied Sci. 2023;12(3):13-7. https://doi.org/10.51847/mvzzwHdl9o
Ponomareva, O. A., Kasumov, I. M., Maisigov, A. R., Glushkov, D. S., Maisigova, K. R., & Malsagova, B. M. (2023). Investigation of Blood Biochemical Parameters as Predictors of the Severity of Early Toxicosis in Pregnant Women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Allied Sciences, 12(3), 13-17. https://doi.org/10.51847/mvzzwHdl9o
Issue 1 Volume 14 (2025)
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