Nitazoxanide Adverse Effects on Biochemical Markers of Liver & Kidney Injury and Antioxidant Enzymes on Rats


In Vitro Comparison of Sports Drinks’ Effect on the Hardness of Different Temporary Restorative Material


Effect of Some medicinal plants on life cycle of Citrus Brown Mites (Eutetranychusorientalis)


Nurses Intervention Regarding Caring for Patients with Esophageal Varies During Endoscopy at Zagazig University Hospital


The Preventive Effect of Nigella Sativa Oil on the Liver of Male Albino Rats Treated with Anti-Depressants (Olanzapine) is Histological Study


Bioactivity of Biodentine and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: An In Vitro Assessment


Pregnancy Outcome of Nulliparous at Different Age Groups and Nursing Guidelines


Effect of Commiphora Molmol (Myrrh) on Total Leukocyte Count and Histological Alterations in Mice


Effect of Self-Management Support Program on Improving Diabetic Foot Care Behaviors


Osteogenic Differentiation of Stem Cells Treated with Fast Set NeoMTA Plus


Correlation of Visual, Cognitive, Physical Motor Skills and Risk Perception with Driving Performances of Young and Elderly Drivers


Predictors of Depression among Diabetes Mellitus Outpatient Attending King Abdul-Aziz Specialist Hospital in Taif, Saudi Arabia (2018)


COX2 Inhibitory Activity of Abutilon Indicum


Effect of Font Style on Memory among the Preclinical Students of UniKL RCMP, Malaysia


Routine Bilateral Neck Dissection in Management of Supraglottic Carcinoma


A New Method for Determination of Efavirenz and pKa by Using LC-UV


Thrombopoietin, Interleukin-11 And Soluble P-Selectin as Biomarkers in Children with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Post-Steroid Therapy


Antibacterial Activity of Taxifolin Isolated from Acacia Catechu Leaf Extract–An in Vitro Study


Effects of Methotrexate and Vitamin C on Renal Cortex of Rats


Medical Students’ Awareness, Knowledge and Acceptance of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination in the National Defence University of Malaysia


Quality of Life of Colorectal Cancer Patients: Colostomies vs. Non-colostomies


Knowledge and Attitude Concerning Tuberculosis among the Employees of a Prison of Malaysia: A Cross-Sectional Study


Do Non-Viral Microorganisms Play a Role in the Aetiology of Human Cancers?


Necklace Graft for Difficult Hemodialysis Access: Two Case Reports from Saudi Arabia


Comparison between Nutritional Values in Cow’s Milk, and Goat Milk Infant Formulas